Ending the year with zero momentum but lots of gratitude.
Family adventures with 3D printing.
Strange new parts in the works.
SF3 top carving and routing progress.
SF3 neck and fingerboard progress.
Reflections on the last six months.
Spring thaw project updates.
Nice wood find, new SF3 progress.
More progress on the new SF3, getting sick, and WinterStorm 2023
New pickup design progress for the new SF3.
Last update of the year and the final Boogie drop.
Project updates, new puppy, Mark III party.
Project updates, Atlansia bass, old amps.
New SF3 Guitar, New Pedalboard Project.
Nothing to see here.
Pickups, Amps, Tools, ToneShed Update, New Sticker, and more!
It's been a long time, cousin.